Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week 4

Despite the heat, we had a pretty good week in the classroom. This week:
  • 1st years worked with the addition strip board
  • took our reading MAP test
  • 3rd years did an investigation with odd and even numbers
  • 2nd years learned a place value game
  • had school picture day
  • had our first annual E1 curriculum night
  • 2nd years expanded sentences
  • 3rd years reviewed common and proper nouns
  • 1st years learned about the dime
  • finished Pippi Longstocking
  • 2nd years reviewed addition with the stamp game
  • 3rd years reviewed carrying
  • did tree bark rubbings
  • had our first substitute of the school year (Once a month, teachers can take 1/2 a day for planning time. Mrs. Frahm, a North Park parent, subbed in our classroom and it went very well.)
  • worked on our personal narratives
  • beat the heat with popsicles and ice in plastic gloves :) 

I love capturing them playing together outside.

Climbing...always climbing.

Addition strip board

Playing the "money game"

The Hundred Board

Place value game with cards

Zoe leading the class in some relaxation exercises

A third year helping a first year with her spelling sentences.

A third year working on an Algebra independent study with IXL.

Two third years got a lesson on division with the stamp game, one of my favorites. 

A bark rubbing.

Discovering ant lion funnels. 

A second year leading a game of sight word bingo with some first years.

Beating the heat with ice on our heads. The kids thought this was pretty cool. Thank you, Mrs. Schoen, for the popsicles and ice on Friday!

I hope these blog updates give you a little glimpse into what your child does at school. It really is such a beautiful thing to have a multi-age classroom, and think we are off to a fantastic start.

"The things he sees are not just remembered; they form a part of his soul." -Maria Montessori

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Weeks 1-3

Hello parents and welcome to our classroom blog! I will try to post weekly or biweekly with updates and photos from our classroom. Please subscribe to our blog so you are notified via email whenever there is a new update.


We have had a wonderful beginning of the school year. I am very thankful for the beautiful temperatures we've had. It has allowed us to be outside throughout the day--playing, learning, and doing cooperative games. We have such a sweet group of kids in our class and I know it is going to be a wonderful year.

Here is a brief recap of some of the highlights of the last three weeks:

During the first week, we learned about the difference between "fairness" and "equity."

Filled out surveys of our interests. 

Worked on the self-portraits that will be hung outside the door to our classroom.

Started reading Pippi Longstocking.

Discussed what it means to have a "growth mindset." We watched a short film called Piper that demonstrates the importance of trying until you get it and finding creative ways to solve a problem. You can see this Pixar short film here:

Working together in groups to change phrases from "fixed mindset," to "growth mindset."

The first years worked on their handwriting in their new composition notebooks. 

Working on ABC's of Me books

In groups, the students worked together to design and build a tower with index cards. This proved more challenging than we expected, but the students did a beautiful job of working together and demonstrating, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

Pink series beginning reading work

The first years are working on their addition facts and exploring some various manipulatives they can use to help them with adding.

The second years are working on multiplication

Four types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory

The one hundred board

Another cooperative challenge: building structures with marshmallows and toothpicks that can support some weight

One new project we've started this year is the Adopt A Tree project. The students each select a tree on the school grounds and will observe it once a month to notice changes that correlate with temperature.

Onto week 4!